Bernd Jonkmanns Photography
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Bangalore, India
Bangkok, Thailand
Botswana Orient Express Safari
Brighton Vegetarian
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Capri, Italia
Cooktown, Australia
Elbe Kajak Tour
Essaouria, Marocco
Havanna, Cuba
Hohe Tauern East Tirol
Honolulu, Hawaii
Hyderabad, India
Jangtse, China
Kayak Class, Slowenia
Kaliningrad, Russia
Kiew, Ukraine
Lago Maggiore, Italy
Lofoten, Norway
Loire, France
Montana, USA
Mumbai, India

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Bangalore, India
India’s boomtown

Is this India? The country of temples, turbans and snake charmers? Here, you’ll hardly find any trace of India’s travel brochure stereotypes. This is Bangalore, where billions of dollars are made with software and telecommunications – with annual growth rates between 45 and 50 percent. Bangalore, the cog in an economy, which by 2020, forecasters predict is going to be ranked third behind the United States and China – and before Japan and Germany.

Text by Gerhard Waldherr for a travel report in ADAC reisemagazin “India”


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